Gangaram Lake
Restoration Foundation
Contact Us:
How did we get here?
It all started in the year 2016, when residents surrounding Gangaram lake noticed persistent and illegal rock cutting on the lake shore by some construction workers. Many residents came together and then realized that it was time to save the lake. From then we conducted several lake cleaning activities and awareness campaigns, submitted several representations to various government bodies and politicians. Over a period of time, we learnt that we needed a formal body to represent the voice of thousands of residents and finally launched Gangaram Lake Restoration (GLARE) foundation in May 2017.
What is our mission?
  • Control Gangaram lake contamination due to untreated sewage and various effluents.
  • Demarcate the lake boundaries by boundary marking and fencing.
  • Work with local community, scientific institutions, NGO's, and Government bodies to develop sustainable lake conservation plan.
  • Maintain the rich Bio Diversity, improve lake water quality, protect and promote health of lake shore communities.
How can you help?
  • Volunteer/participate in lake Cleaning and restoration activities such as, Hyacinth removal, Hyacinth barrier erection, Floating wetland creation and so on.
  • Spread message about Gangaram lake restoration and create awareness about the various activities to save the lake amongst friends, family and if possible through media.
  • Join us in the various representations to GHMC, Government officials, Corporators, MLAs and MPs and so on. This helps portray unity and strength.
  • (Flora and fauna enthusiasts) Observe, identify and share the details of birds, plants around Gangaram Lake.